We held ATOWA concert last Saturday night.
I really appreciate to the people who came to our concert and the people who helped us.

“ATOWA” means the universe and the earth.
It was duo concert that I performed with my friends, Saco.



“Music has no borders.”

I was able to acknowledge this again at the concert.


Saco played the piano and sang expressing the ground and I played the piano, crystal bowl and sang expressing the sounds from the universe.

Nahoko’s dancing absolutely connected our sounds.




Also we improvised many times and I played crystal bowls around 20 minutes for healing time.
I think everybody enjoyed our concert.

After the concert, everyone was smiling were than before the concert.

I think that everyone felt united from the music.


I hope to come back to New York and play again!



Why I play the crystal bowl &piano at the same time

I play crystal bowls and piano together.

The reason why I wanted to play together is  I wanted many people to know crystal bowls’ sounds which are pure and beautiful.

The first time I listened to the crystal bowl,  I was surprised that the sound came inside of my body as if I had drunk something.

After that moment, I felt the sound expand throughout my body.

The crystal bowls emit two big kind of energy which are relaxation and purification.

If you listen to this sound, your body and mind become lighter and you want to do new things.

You feel yourself become a positive person.


Piano is my life.

If I tell the history of my life, piano is indispensable for me.

Unfortunately, my hands are so small,so I thought I couldn’t be a pianist.

I longed for piano, but even though I had caught it, I still could’t reach it.

The situation was changed by the crystal bowl.

Crystal bowls are good even though they only play one sounds.

However , I know music is well loved and if people play music, their feelings are changed by it.

So if I play crystal bowls, I always play a melody instead of only sounds.

It was challenging for me, because the crystal bowl’s and piano’s sound quality are much different even though both are percussion.

The amazing things happended.

Imagine a couple meeting for the first time,they are very nervous to know each other,  but little by little they become accustomed to each other and they grow closer.

Now, think about piano and crystal bowls.                                                                                     

They are definitely not the same sound quality,but if I play them together, they want to be together and finally they make good harmony.


Our body has a frequency and all things in the world have their own frequency.

If we imagine the waves in the sea, there are many kinds of waves.

When two waves meet from different directions, they combine and create a new frequency.

This is the same for music. If we listen to music and the sounds come close to our bodies, the frequencies from the music and ourselves meet and combine in the same way as waves in the sea.


“I felt as if I was in heaven.”                                                                                                          Many people who attended in my concert said comments like this.

I’ll give you the ultimate healing and relaxation space at my concert.

I’ll give my all to my music when I play.

Please come and enjoy it!



[Upcoming events]

▶︎Date & Time:April 17th Sun. 6:45pm ~ 8:15pm                               *Doors open will be at 6:30pm

▶︎Location:The National Opera Center America, Marc A. Scorca Hall                                                    (330 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001)

▶︎Fee: $30 *cash only, please*

*All profits will be donated to fund relief effortsfor those affected by the 2011 earthquake in Japan.

▶︎For more information & to make a (Naoe)

*If you would like, feel free to bring a yoga mat or a bath towel to lie on and a blanket to cover up with during the performance.

I would like people to feel as comfortable as possible while lying on the floor.


The screening of “Water “& the crystal bowl event

On February 11th, I will be performing after the screening of amazing film called “Water”.

Directed by Russian documentary filmmaker Saida Medvedeva, this film explores the nature of water, its importance to humans and the Earth, and its uncanny ability to change its form based on human emotion and many other situation.

The film includes interviews and contributions from experts all over the world and examines many of water’s unknown phenomena.

For example, human tears have different water crystal shapes and are able to change these shapes if influenced by either positive or negative emotions.

“water” highlights many of these extraordinary examples and emphasis how important the element is to our lives.

Here is the movie “water” trailer.


▶︎upcoming Events
Dates: Thur.Feb.11 | 6pm open

545 8th Avenue 14fl New York, NY


Place for application : / 914-703-8018

Bring a bottle of water!


【About my concert in September】

I performed twice in September. The first performance was in Sedona, Arizona and the second was in Shasta, California. At both I played the crystal bowl and the piano.

I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to play at these two special places in the USA.


My concert in Sedona on September 18th.
My Japanese friend Asako danced along to my music.


My concert in Shasta on September 22nd.
I performed for the people who attended a meditation event.

I was so happy to play the song “The sound of Small Brook” which I composed when I visited Shasta 2years ago.
When I composed this song, I imagined and expressed the stream of mount Shasta.

I want to thank everybody who came my concert!